英国: Britain; England; the United ...皇家: imperial family海军陆战队: marine corps; marines皇家海军陆战队: royal marinesinfirmary]皇家海军陆战队医院: infy rm皇家海军陆战队医院: infy rm; royal marine infirmary英国皇家海军: royal navy近卫骑兵队和皇家海军陆战队: blues and royals英国皇家陆战队: royal army troops英国皇家海军舰艇: hms海军陆战队: die marineinfanterie; leatherneck; marine corpe; marines; soldner marine corps; the marine corps海军陆战队叫: the marine corps海军陆战队员: leatherneck; the marine.blu-ray.720p.xdts 36g英国皇家海军科学研究处: royal navy scientific service英国皇家海军司令部: headquarters staff of the royal navy英国皇家海军总指挥: general officer commanding royal marines海军海军陆战队: marine〔美俚〕海军陆战队士兵。: leather neck海军陆战队步兵: red marines海军陆战队参谋长: chief of staff of the marine corps海军陆战队督察长: marine corps inspector general海军陆战队公报: marine corps gazette海军陆战队航空兵: marine air; marine aviation海军陆战队航空站: marine airport海军陆战队后备队: marine corps reserve