- the flies and the honey-pot
- 苍蝇: fly
- 与: take part in; participate in
- 蜜罐: honey jar; honey pot
- 苍蝇: fly 拍苍蝇 flap [swat] a fly; 用扇子赶苍蝇 fan the flies away; 苍蝇嗡嗡叫。 flies buzz. 他看起来善良得好像连只苍蝇也不忍心伤害。 he looks as though he would not hurt a fly.; 苍蝇掸 flybrush; 苍蝇拍子 flyswatter; swatter; 苍蝇斑点 flyspeck; 苍蝇纸 flypaper
- 蜂蜜罐: honeypot