花费: money spent; expenditure; ex ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...支出: pay; expend; disburse开支: pay expenses经费的开支: overhead expenses charges etc保险费的支出: benefit payments支出,支付,开支,花费,经费,费用: outlay责任支出的支付书: accountable warrant花费的: expended; expensive开支,花费: expense可收回支出, 可报销的开支: reimbursable expenditure花费;支出: pay out国际收支的开支吸收分析法: absorption approach to the balance of payments开支的分摊: apportionment of outgoings开支的现值: present of expenditures通常开支的: overhead费用,开支,花费: expe e; expense花费,消费;支出: expense支出花费: expenditure未紧缩开支的: unstinting因开支的扣除: retentio propter impensas; retentiopropterimpe as浩繁的开支: heavy expenditure人员的开支: personnel costs提议的开支: proposed expenditure政府的开支: lesson the cost of government