

  • have a rich [large] assortment of goods


        花色:    design and colour
        齐备:    all ready; all complete
        货色齐备:    all sorts of goods in stock
        各种货色齐备:    all sorts of goods in stock
        各种颜色齐备:    full range of colours
        花色齐全:    nice selection
        齐备:    all ready; all complete 货物齐备 have a variety of goods
        花色:    1.(花纹色彩) design and colour 花色好看 be beautiful in design and colour2.(品种) (of merchandise) variety of designs, sizes, colours, etc.: 花色繁多 a great variety; 新的花色 latest designs; 花色货品 fancies; 花色面包 fancy bread; 花色品种 varieties and designs; product variety and design; colours and patterns; range [assortment] of goods
        百色齐全:    a complete range of colors
        货色齐全:    full line; goods of every description are available
        色齐拉山:    mt. sikimna
        各种 货物 齐备:    all sorts of goods in stock
        货物齐备:    have a variety of goods
        粮草齐备:    provisions for the troops were already prepared.; there are plentiful supplies of all kinds
        人马齐备:    all vehicles and servants [men] are ready
        舾装齐备:    all found
        各种货物齐备:    all sorts of goods in stock; allsortsofgoodsi tock
        春花色:    periwinkle (color)
        短花色:    short suit
        花色(搭配):    a ortment; assortment
        花色钳:    pliers for radio mechanics and electricians
        花色纱:    fancy yarns; fashion yarn
        花色素:    anthocyan pigment; anthocyanidin; anthocyanosides; anthoocyanidin; cyanidin
        花色线:    effect yarn
        花色砖:    multi-colour tile


  1. "花色面包"英文
  2. "花色喷气变形丝"英文
  3. "花色拼盘"英文
  4. "花色品种"英文
  5. "花色品种;种类;分类"英文
  6. "花色齐全"英文
  7. "花色钳"英文
  8. "花色肉冻"英文
  9. "花色入时"英文
  10. "花色弱应叫"英文


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