As examples of vfg , this paper introduces in detail the system - and chip - level vfg of electronic devices 作为虚拟特征生成实例,本文以电子设备概念设计为例,详细介绍了系统级和芯片级的虚拟特征生成方法。
Description of some of the expected future developments in time and frequency standards and distribution , including such topics as chip - scale atomic clocks ( size of a rice grain , powered by aa battery , potentially capable of low cost mass production ) 介绍一些未来可预期的时间频率标准和发布技术的进展,包括诸如“芯片级的原子钟” (大米粒尺寸,由aa电池供电,具有低成本大批量生产潜力) 。
For the training of professional system , the identification of suppliers , and the practical project , sv has the professional project engineers advanced in the av technique in china , who can offer blue print of design , installation , training and the maintenance of chip level 专业系统的培训与厂商认证及丰富的实际工程经验,索讯拥有国内最早从事av技术的工程技术人员,能够为客户提供方案设计、安装、培训与芯片级维修
The " chip _ level " fault detection was implemented by means of diagnosing technology and experimental methods . the experimental results indicate that this system is fast , accurate , ease to use , portable and applicable for practicable use 通过软件、硬件技术的结合,采用多种检测技术及实验方法,达到了芯片级故障定位的设计目的。实验结果表明,本系统具有故障定位准确、检测速度快、操作简便和便携式等特点,具有较高的实用价值。
Similar with design verification problem , to predigest chip level layout synthesis problem , the layout synthesis based on the standard - cell methodology can be divided into two levels : inner standard - cell and among standard - cells . however , along with the increasing of chip size , chip level layout synthesis problem become more complex if it still bases on general manual standard - cell . because the router cannot impose the characteristic of the transistors in the standard - cell , it may reduce the performance of the whole chip 通常,基于标准单元布图模式将版图综合划分成单元内与单元间两个层次,以简化芯片级自动版图综合问题的复杂性;但随着芯片规模的不断扩大,基于主要以手工定制的小规模标准单元,芯片级版图综合问题的复杂性不断增大,且标准单元间布线无法充分利用单元内晶体管特征,影响芯片的整体性能。