Silicon is as core to the solar industry as it is to chips , one reason why there has been a boom ? some locals say a bubble ? in new solar companies in the valley 硅谷是芯片业的中心,也是太阳能行业的中心,这正是硅谷涌现出诸多新的太阳能公司的一个原因? ?当地一些人称之为泡沫。
With the quick development of ic industry , digital signal processor ( dsp ) has been advanced enormously in many fields , such as manufacturing process , architecture , compiler and rtos 随着芯片业的飞速发展,数字信号处理器( dsp )无论从制造工艺、体系结构、编译器和dsp上的实时操作系统( rtos )几个方面都取得了巨大的发展。
With the quick development of 1c industry , digital signal processor ( dsp ) has gained advance in both manufacturing process , architecture , compiler and rtos . multimedia application also greatly improve the development of dsp 随着芯片业的飞速发展,数字信号处理器( dsp )无论从制造工艺、体系结构、编译器和dsp上的实时操作系统( rtos )几个方面都取得了巨大的发展。
As an application hotspot , multimedia application also greatly improves the development of ic industry . with the powerful processing ability , programmable media signal processor has been more and more important in the application 作为当今一个应用的热点,多媒体应用强劲的推动着芯片业的发展,有强大处理能力的可编程媒体信号处理器芯片发挥着越来越重要的作用。
芯片: slug; chip; die; wafer业: line of business; trade; ind ...唱片业公会: rim唱片业协会: canadian recording industry association; cria; riaa电影制片业: flickers唱片业交流基金会: ifpi taiwan国际唱片业联合会: ifpi国际唱片业协会: ifpi美国唱片业协会: record industry association of america; recording industry association of america; riaa美国电影制片业: american film-making industry全美唱片业联合会: riaacmos芯片: cmos chipdna芯片: dna arrays; dna microarrayic芯片: integrated circuit薄芯片: led reverse mounting type单芯片: one-dimentional language多芯片: multi-chiic硅芯片: silicon chip宏芯片: macro chip磊芯片: led epi wafer裸芯片: bare chip; unpacked chip铁芯片: lamination微芯片: microchip芯片板: chiboard芯片集: chip set; chipset