芝加哥: Chicago院: courtyard; yard; compound芝加哥城: chicago城市学院: london city college; sbcc托城市学院: city of bristol college学院,芝加哥: loyola university, chicago芝加哥-匹堡城市: chipitts巴斯城市学院: city of bath college伦敦城市学院: london city college曼城城市学院: city college of manchester芝加哥-匹兹堡城市带: chipitts北京城市学院学报: journal of beijing city university湖南城市学院学报: journal of hunan city university洛杉矶城市学院: los angeles city college曼彻斯特城市学院: city college manchester帕萨迪纳城市学院: pasadena city college桑德兰城市学院: city of sunderland college圣巴巴拉城市学院: santa barbara city college英国巴斯城市学院: city of bath college浙江大学城市学院: zhejiang university city college芝加哥大学商学院: university of chicago gsb芝加哥设计学院: chicago institute of design芝加哥艺术学院: school of the art institute of chicago; school of the arts institute of chicago芝加哥州立学院: chicago state college城市学: urbanology