Article 29 this municipality shall promote the use of safe and energy - saving fuel gas appliances 第二十九条本市推广使用安全节能型的燃气器具。
Change electric wares into energy efficient ones and leave no more than one light open when you leave 把家用电器换成节能型的,出门时最多留一盏灯开着。
Change electric wares into energy efficient ones and leave no more than one light open when you leave home 把家用电器换成节能型的,出门时最多留一盏灯开着。
Measures have been taken to save energy and reduce consumption . using chain - board elevator and air slides , reliability of the system is enhanced and conveying energy consumption is decreased 4充分考虑节能、降耗,生料入窑使用节能型的板链式提升机和空气输送斜槽,提高了系统的运行可靠性,降低了输送能耗。
Promoting the application of new and high technologies for energy supply consumption , so as to increase the energy efficiency and help build beijing into an energy - efficient , clean and beautiful international metropolis 加强高新技术在能源供应和消费领域的推广应用,提高能源利用效率;把北京建设成节能型的清洁优美的现代化国际大都市。