节省: economize; save; use sparing ...时间: time; hour的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...节省时间的事物: time-saver节省时间的因素: timesaver节省时间的事物, 节省时间的因素: time-saver节省时间的一步法装置: time saving one trisystem节省时间: gain time; less down time; save time; time saved; time saving; timesaver节省时间价值: value of time saved所有节省时间: ats all time saved所有两港节省时间: at e all time saved both ends; atsbe all time saved both ends走捷径以节省时间: save time by taking a shortcut所有卸货港节省时间: all time saved discharging only; atsdo all time daved discharging only所有装货港节省时间: all time saved loading only; atslo all time saved lading only正确的方法使你节省时间: method will teach you to win time省时间: to save time装卸节省时间两港合并计算: laytime saved both ends可以节省时,不要浪费: spend not wehere you may save ,spare not where you must spend节省空间的: space saving双边节省的装卸时间的速遣费减半: dhdltsbe demurrage harf despatch lay time saved both ends滞期费,双边节省的装卸时间的速遣费减半: dhdltsbe demurrage harf despatch lay time saved both ends节省的时间: time gain省时: time-saving时间的: horary; temporal节省全部时间: ats all time saved