- frugally
- 节省: economize; save; use sparing ...
- 地: the earth
- 保存、保藏、节约谨慎或节省地使用: conserve
- 节省: economize; save; use sparingly; cut down on; retrench; gain; spare 节省不必要的开支 cut down unnecessary expenses; save unnecessary expenses; 节省篇幅 save space; 节省人力物力 use manpower and material resources sparingly; 节省原材料 economize raw materials; 节省百分之十 a save of ten percent; 节省流通费用 cut circulating expenses; 节省经费 retrench funds; 节省投资 reduce investment outlay; 这项技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳力。 this technical innovation will save us much time and labour
- 俭省地: charily