



        节制:    control; check; be moderate ...
        活门:    valve; bib
        温度控制活门:    temperature control valve
        制动控制活门:    brake control valve
        调整器控制活门:    controller pilot
        放气超控控制活门:    bocv
        控制活门中心件:    control valve center piecepiston
        节制:    1.(限制; 控制) control; check; be moderate in 节制饮食 be moderate in eating and drinking2.(指挥管辖) command; direct; control 这三个团全归你节制。 the three regiments are all under the command of you.3.(克制) temperance; abstinence; continence; governing; dryness; 节制阀 graduating valve; 节制孔螺钉 restrictor screw; 节制生育 birth control; 节制闸 [水文] check gate
        活门:    [机械工程] valve; bib(b)
        不节制:    excess; insobriety; intemperance
        防范,节制:    containment
        节制;禁欲:    abstinence
        节制坝:    check dam
        节制带:    moderator band
        节制的:    abstemious; continent; temperate
        节制地:    continently; temperately
        节制阀:    closing valve; graduating valve
        节制杆:    variable recoil control rod
        节制环:    throttling ring
        节制线:    continence line
        节制闸:    check gate; controlling gate; regulating lock; regulating sluice; regulator
        节制者:    abstainer
        禁戒,(节制):    abstinenes
        径节制:    diametral system; pitch system
        无节制:    immoderateness; immoderation; incontinence; incontinentia


  1. "节制阀弹簧"英文
  2. "节制房劳"英文
  3. "节制房事"英文
  4. "节制杆"英文
  5. "节制环"英文
  6. "节制激素疗法"英文
  7. "节制禁戒"英文
  8. "节制孔螺钉"英文
  9. "节制理论"英文
  10. "节制器,调节器"英文


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