色觉: colour sense; colour vision三色: three-colour学说: theory; doctrine三色学说: trichromatic theory色觉自然学说,三色论: physical theory of colour vision视觉三色理论: trichromatic theory of colour vision对抗色学说: opponent colours theory元色学说: primary color theory拮抗色学说: opponent color theory三色觉异常: anomalous trichromatism赫林学说(色觉): hering's theory色觉学说: theory of color vision; theory of colour vision三色觉感受器: three-color vision receptor色觉心理学说,赫林色觉学说: psychological theory of colour vision埃-格色觉学说: edridge-green theory of colour vision赫林色觉学说: hering theory of colour vision米勒色觉学说: muller theory of colour vision色觉调制学说: modulation theory of colour vision; theory of colour vision modulation杨氏色觉学说: young theory of colour vision觉三: kakuzo异常三色型色觉,色弱: colour weakness相加学说,三色论: additive theory哈特里奇色觉学说: hartridge theory of colour vision麦道加耳色觉学说: colour vision theory of mcdougall; theory of mcdougall colour vision色学: [光学] chromatics