船首: stem; bow; backbone; prow; f ...尾: hairs on a horse's tail spik ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...船首尾系泊: head and stern mooring船首尾下垂: hogging船首尾线,纵向: fore and aft船首尾向: fore and aft船首尾纵倾: trim中陷船首尾: hollow ended船首尾花纹装饰: acrostolion; acrostolium; acrotherium; akroterion船首尾木甲板边板: gunstocking船首尾上翘的船型: moon sheered船首尾水道内列板: nib strake船首尾向纵向的: fore and aft中拱船首尾下垂: arching从船首到船尾的: fore-and-aft船首尾楼甲板的栏杆: breastwork木船首尾部翘起弧度: sny首尾: 1.(起头部分和末尾部分) the head and the tail; the beginning and the end2.(始终) from beginning to end尾的: caudal; coccygeal船首尾部与龙骨交接处向上斜切部分: cut up船首: stem; bow; backbone; prow; forebridge; bow tie 从船首到船尾 from stem to stern; 海水在船首下面泛起浪花。 the sea water foams under the bow首尾缆: bow and stern wires首尾木: shubiki首尾线: center line; fore and aft line; fore-and aft line; fore-and-aft line; nose-tail line