

发音:   用"船队结构"造句
  • fleet structure
  • 船队:    boat train; fleet; armada; f ...
  • 结构:    structure; composition; cons ...
  • 梯队结构:    orderly system of succession
  • 团队结构:    team structure; team-based structure
  • 运动队结构:    sports team structure; sportsteam structure; team structure


  1. This is the core of this study . it contains fleet development aim , future fleet structure and development procedure
  2. The aim of this thesis is to discuss and inquire into the development target fleet structure and development procedure for cosco ' s future tanker fleet
  3. It indicates the main questions of water transport by study and analysis of the cyrrent situation of our country , it emphasizes dealing with the defects of the water transport enterprises : inapplicability of instruction in vessel teams , little size of the vessel teams , little capacity of average tonnage , inapplicability of ages of instruction in vessel teams , slowly development of the vessel teams of nationality of china , fast increasing of the vessel of convenient nations , much more capacity and dense of transport of some cargoes , shortages of capacity and limitation of transport in some palaces


        船队:    boat train; fleet; armada; f ...
        结构:    structure; composition; cons ...
        梯队结构:    orderly system of succession
        团队结构:    team structure; team-based structure
        运动队结构:    sports team structure; sportsteam structure; team structure
        部队结构分析:    force structure analysis
        部队结构费用估计:    force structure costing
        船队:    boat train; fleet (of ships); armada; flotilla 捕鲸船队 a whaling fleet; 海军舰队和商船队 naval and commercial fleets; 船队编解方法 flotilla-assembly and disassembly; 船队检修 fleet servicing; 船队联结装置 flotilla linkage arrangement; 船队运行方式 flotilla-operating mode
        班船队:    liner fleet
        驳船队:    barge fleet; barge string; barge system; barge tow; barge train; barges fleet; barges train; convoy; fleet of barge; train of barges
        渡船队:    ferry-boat fleet
        舰队,船队:    fleet
        交船队:    trial crew
        快船队:    los angeles clippers
        商船队:    shipping; merchant marine; merchant fleet 这个船东仍拥有一支7艘货船的商船队。 the shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo-vessels
        小船队:    flotilla
        油船队:    tanker fleet
        渔船队:    fishing fleet; fleet
        主船队:    main convoy
        巴洪利船队:    panhonlibfleet
        绑拖船队:    barge train towed alongside
        驳船队编组:    barge train formation
        驳船队队形:    tow formation
        驳船队前端:    head-of-fleet
        驳船队系缆:    barge lashing; barge train connecting rope


  1. "船队费率"英文
  2. "船队管理"英文
  3. "船队管理系统"英文
  4. "船队检修"英文
  5. "船队检修改进计划"英文
  6. "船队解体作业"英文
  7. "船队经理;车队经理"英文
  8. "船队老化"英文
  9. "船队联结装置"英文
  10. "船队灭失率"英文


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