船舶: shipping; boats and ships; v ...预计: estimate; calculate in advan ...开: open; turn on; switch on; be ...装: dress; outfit; attire; cloth ...时间: time; hour预计开装时间: etcl etcl---------expected time of commencement of loading; etcl;etcl expected time of commencement of loading; etcl;etcl expected time of commencement of loading; etl estimated time of loading; expected time of commencement of loading预计开装时间预计开装时间: expected time of commencement of loading船舶预计开航时间: ets estimated time of sailing船舶预计靠泊时间: etb expected time of berthing船舶预计离港时间: etd estimated time of departure船舶预计到港时间预计到达时间: estimated time of arrival预计开船时间: etd estimated time of departure; etd estimatedtimeof departure预计开航时间: estimated time of departure; ets estimated time of sailing; ets expected time of sailing预计开始时间: estimated time of commencement; estimated time of start; etc expected time of commencement预计开卸时间: etcd estimated time of commencing discharge; expected time of commencement of discharging预计开始卸货时间: estimated time of starting discharge; etcd estimated time of commencing discharging预计开始装货时间: estimated time of starting loading; etcl; expected starting time of loading预计开始装载时间: estimated time of commencement of loading预计开卸时间预计开卸时间: expected time of commencement of discharging预计开航时间预计航行时间: estimated time of sailing预计开航时间预计启航时间: estimated time of departure预计开航日: etd estimated time of departure; etdestimated time of departureure预计开支: anticipated expenditure安装时间: i tallation time; installation time; rig-up time; set up time; setting utime; settling time; setup time灌装时间: fill time; filling time