船舶: shipping; boats and ships; v ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...义务: duty; obligation船舶所有人的义务: s.o.l shipowner's liability; shipowner's liability船舶的: nautical; naval保密的义务: dever de sigilo道德的义务: moral obligation董事的义务: board member's obligation扶养的义务: mutual maintenance su ort obligation; mutual maintenance support obligation服从的义务: amenability负担的义务: obligation assumed公民的义务: civic duties responsibilities etc获豁免……的义务: is exempted from the obligation to劳动的义务: arbeitspflicht纳税的义务: duty bound to pay taxes; duty tp pay taxes赔偿的义务: obligation of compensation for loss清偿的义务: duty of fulfillment应负的义务: assumed obligation应尽的义务: one's bounden duty; ought有尽的义务: owe子女的义务: filial duty船舶的废弃: abandonment of ship船舶的分隔: division of ship船舶的国籍: registry船舶的小艇”: ship's boat