船: boat; ship; vessels用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...锅炉: boiler; furnace自动控制: automatic control; autocontr ...装置: installation; device; appara ...锅炉自动控制装置: automatic boiler control device锅炉自动控制: automatic boiler controls; boiler automatic control锅炉自动控制系统: automatic boiler control system; boiler automatic control system自动控制装置: autocontrol unit; automatic control device; automatic control gear; automatic controller; automatic controlling device; automatic device; servomechanism辅锅炉自动控制系统: auxiliary boiler automatic control system半自动控制装置: semi-automatic control device; semi-automatic controller穿带自动控制装置: automatic threading control device飞行自动控制装置: automatic flight control equipment家用自动控制装置: automatic controls for household use空气自动控制装置: automatic air control device列车自动控制装置: automatic train control燃烧自动控制装置: automatic combustion control equipment熔铁炉, 自动控制装置: air weight control压力自动控制装置: automatic pressure control device液压自动控制装置: askania张力自动控制装置: automatic tension control高炉自动控制系统: automatic control system for blast furnace柴油发电机自动控制装置: automatic diesel and generator control unit船舶电站自动控制装置: automatic control system for marine electric power plant防火门自动控制装置: door retainer