Our product driven by y - h marine motor is approved by china classification society that it is suitable to match with marine product as a boiler feed pump of for other use 我厂产品,采用y - h型船用电机驱动,通过中国船级社形式认可,可与船用产品配套,作为船用泵或船用锅炉给水泵,船用消防泵
The products of our company sell well on the markets both at home and abroad . the marine oil level gauges were awarded nantong golden eagle prize for new fine product , jiangsu provincial golden prize for adopted advanced science and technology , and silver prize at china patent technology fair . marine products have wined " gl " , " lr " , " abs " , " bv " , " ccs " , " dnv " , " rina " certificates . the products are installed on domestic vessels of large and middle size , and also exported with the vessels 本公司产品畅销国内外市场,船用油位计荣获南通市优秀新产品金鹰奖江苏省新产品金奖中国专利技术博览会银奖。船用产品获得“ gl ” “ lr ” “ abs ” “ bv ” “ ccs ” “ dnv ” “ rina ”等各船级社的认可,用于全国各大中型船舶并随船出口。