船方: the ship选择: pick and choose; select由船方选择: at carrier's option单方选择: one-side selection地方选择权: local option供方选择: cource selection; source selection, in procurement买方选择: b. o. buyer's option; b/o buyers option; bo buyer’s option买方选择权: b/o buyers option; buyer’s option卖方选择: so seller's option; so seller’s option由卖方选择: at seller’s option由我方选择: at our option租方选择: chocharterer's option; chop charterer’s option; chopt charterer’s option买方选择权,分行: b.o. buyer's option,branch office卖方选择卖主选择: seller's option买方选择随意选购: buyer's option溢短装由卖方选择: molso more or less at seller’s option随卖方意见,由卖方选择: at seller‘s option专用地方选择销售税: special-purpose local-option sales tax船方: [商业] the ship 船方不负担装货费用 free in (f.i.); 船方不负担卸货费用 free out (f.o.); 船方不负担装、卸、理仓费用 free in and out and stowed (f.i.o.s.); 船方代理人 shipping agent买货人选定买方选择顾客任选随意选购: buyer's option船舶,船方: ve el; vessel地方选区: geographical constituency地方选区分界: geographical constituency boundary地方选区选民: geographical constituency elector地方选区选票: geographical constituency ballot paper