In this discussion with micah the wiry old captain tended to ignore his ineffective son, bromley . 在同弥迦谈这类事情时,精明的老船工有意忽略他的无能的儿子布朗利。
Terminology for ship technology - ship repairing techology 船舶工艺术语修船工艺
But the sock - burning ritual now draws more than boatyard workers 但是烧袜子仪式现在已经不再是修船工人的"专利"了。
The uniform is deck shoes and khaki shorts in summer , " holland said with a laugh 霍兰德笑着说到: “冬天船工的制服是甲板鞋和卡其布
The chorus was held before the closing of the 8th china art festival in yichang , a sub - venue of the festival 活动以大型合唱和大型伴舞表演为主,合唱歌曲包括《好日子》 、 《峡江船工号子》 、 《保卫黄河》等共11首。
船工的法语:passeur船工的日语:船頭.舟子.船工的韩语:[명사] (1)(뱃)사공. 선원. →[船家] (2)조선공(造船工).船工的俄语:pinyin:chuángōng лодочник船工的印尼文:orang yang bekerja di kapal; 船工什么意思:chuángōng (1) [boatman]∶船夫 (2) [boatbuilder]∶制造木船的工人