船员: boatman; mariner; boater; cr ...或: nǎi-.旅客: hotel guest; traveller; pass ...个人财物: personal belongings; persona ...损失: lose个人财物: personal belongings; personal effects人财物: human financial and material resources个人财物和家用物品: staff regulations personal effects and household goods私人财物: goods and chattels他与个人财产有关的损失: furnishings and other personal property海员私人财物: seamen's effects货物损失保: cargo loss prevention committee可燃物损失: combustible loss农作物损失: crop loss作物损失: crop loss动产, 个人财产: things personal个人财产: personal property; personal wealth个人财产税: personal property tax个人财富: individual wealth个人财务: personal finance扣押他人财物者: distrainer distrainor人财物管理体制: management system of human financial and material resources; management system of human, financial and material resources施法取他人财物: art of obtaining possession of the property of others by means of muntras or incantations部分货物损失: partial loss of goods货物损失金额: amount allowable for loss of or damage to cargo