船体: the body of a ship; hull; bo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...起伏: rise and fall; ups and downs ...升降: promotion and demotion运动: arrange things or get things ...升降运动: caning; dipping and heaving; heaving motion; luffing; uand-down movement; up and down movement; up-and-down movement地壳升降运动: geoundation海面升降运动: eustatic movements; eustaticmovement起伏升降的数据统计: the statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation升降运动;升降装置: lifting motion地壳缓慢升降运动: secular movement地壳变动海面升降运动: diastrophic eustatism; diastrophiceustatism第四纪海面升降运动: quarternary eustatic movement构造性海面升降运动: diastrophic eustatism积沉性海面升降运动: sedimento eustatism升降运输车: coil buggy; coil build-up line; coil car升降运送车: lift truck波状的起伏: flexuosity底面的起伏: hyporelief地面的起伏: up and down地势的起伏: relief n. elevation of land surfaces注意的起伏: fluctuation of attention急降运动: plunging motion下降运动: bathygenesis; descending motion一长串的起伏: long series of rises and falls