Cololabis saira stick - held net is a kind of buoyant lift - nets , catching fish by attracting lamps 摘要秋刀鱼舷提网属船浮敷式灯诱敷网,利用集鱼灯诱集鱼群至网中,起网捕捞。
This paper mainly studied and analyzed attracting fish method based on production and research work from 2003 to 2004 and summarized a set of attracting fish methods 在2003 - 2004年生产和研究的基础上,对舷提网集鱼方法进行了探讨和分析,并总结了一套集鱼方法。
舷: the side of a ship; board提: carry网: net手提网袋: reticule提网钢索: landing wire舷拖: side trawling舷梯辔链: accommodation ladder chain bridle舷拖缆: side-towing line舷梯装置: accommodation ladder system舷拖网渔船: side trawler; sidetrawler舷梯值班人员: gangway man舷拖渔船: side trawler舷梯值班: gangway watch舷拖作业: sidetrawler舷梯围布: ladder screen