

发音:   用"航速索赔"造句
  • speed claim
  • 航速:    speed of a ship or plane; na ...
  • 索赔:    claim indemnity; demand comp ...
  • 减速索:    retarding cable
  • 航速:    speed of a ship or plane; navigational speed 航速为20节 sail at a speed of 20 knots; 航速表 sillometer; log
  • 索赔:    claim indemnity; demand compensation; claimant; claim settlement; claim; claimer; presentation of a claim 要求延长索赔的期限 request to extend time-limit of claim; 索赔单证 claims documents; 索赔期限 time limit for filing claims; deadline for demanding compensation; 索赔清单 written statement of claim; statement of claim; 索赔人 claimant; 索赔时限 time limit for filing claims; 索赔损失 loss on insurance claim; 索赔委员会 claims board; claims commission; 索赔有效期间 time of validity of a claim; 索赔证件 claims document; document for claims


        航速:    speed of a ship or plane; na ...
        索赔:    claim indemnity; demand comp ...
        减速索:    retarding cable
        航速:    speed of a ship or plane; navigational speed 航速为20节 sail at a speed of 20 knots; 航速表 sillometer; log
        索赔:    claim indemnity; demand compensation; claimant; claim settlement; claim; claimer; presentation of a claim 要求延长索赔的期限 request to extend time-limit of claim; 索赔单证 claims documents; 索赔期限 time limit for filing claims; deadline for demanding compensation; 索赔清单 written statement of claim; statement of claim; 索赔人 claimant; 索赔时限 time limit for filing claims; 索赔损失 loss on insurance claim; 索赔委员会 claims board; claims commission; 索赔有效期间 time of validity of a claim; 索赔证件 claims document; document for claims
        超速索道:    over eed cableway; overspeed cableway
        短暂知识快速索引:    quick index to caducous knowledge
        航速(节):    knot
        航速表:    airspeedometre
        航速达…:    log
        航速计:    airspeed indicator
        航速线:    speed line
        航速仪:    waterlog
        潜航速:    underwater speed
        无航速:    zero eed; zero speed
        反索赔:    counter claim; counterclaim
        请求,索赔:    claim
        索赔, 索偿:    demand for reimbursement
        索赔,仲裁:    claims and arbitration
        索赔(要求):    claim
        索赔,索偿:    claim
        索赔处:    claims department
        索赔单:    claim note
        索赔额:    sum of claim
        索赔费:    contributory value


  1. "航速控制系统"英文
  2. "航速矢量角"英文
  3. "航速矢量线"英文
  4. "航速试验"英文
  5. "航速速度速率转速使加速"英文
  6. "航速为20节"英文
  7. "航速限制豁免许可证"英文
  8. "航速线"英文
  9. "航速信号"英文
  10. "航速修正"英文


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