航空: aviation; voyage航天: space flight; spaceflight; a ...透明材料: transparent material; crafto ...和: mix; blend外壳: hull; incrustation; outer sk ...相关: be interrelated; be related ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...术语: term; onomastion; onym; term ...航空航天透明外壳撞鸟试验的试验方法: standard test method for bird impact testing of aerospace transparent enclosures材料中相关可申报物质的标准术语: standard terminology relating to declarable substances in materials航空航天透明塑料抗划痕强度试验方法: standard test method for intensity of scratches on aerospace transparent plastics与腐蚀及腐蚀测试有关的标准术语: standard terminology relating to corrosion and corrosion testing无人航空运载工具系统的标准术语: standard termninology for unmanned air vehicle systems航空和航天透明外壳抗冰雹撞击性的测试方法: standard test method for hail impact resistance of aerospace transparent enclosures航空航天材料: aerospace material标准术语表: snl; standard nomenclature list半透明材料: translucent material不透明材料: opaque material透明材料: apparent material; glassy material; transmutation material; transparent material craftone; vitreous material熟悉相关的标准。: be familiar with the related standard肉和家禽评估系统的标准术语: standard termninology for livestock meat and poultry evaluation systems外科手术缝合针的标准术语: standard terminology for surgical suture needles有关鞋靴安全和附着力的标准术语: standard terminology relating to safety and traction for footwear光学透明材料: optically transparent material