航空: aviation; voyage用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...织物: textile; fabric; texture; et ...航空用: obstruction beacon产业用织物: technical fabric床用织物: bed linen袋用织物: bag fabric防护用织物: armored fabric服装用织物: dress fabric工业用织物: mechanical fabric国旗用织物: fabric for national flag家用织物: domestics建筑用织物: construction fabrics军用织物: military fabric磨光用织物: buffing fabric内衣用织物: lingerie fabric实用织物: utility cloths外科用织物: tissues夏期用织物: materials for summer cloth装饰用织物: furnishing fabric鞋和靴用织物: fabric for boots and shoes航空用泵: aviation pump航空用布: aeroplane fabric; aircraft fabric航空用材: aircraft stock航空用电机: aero dynamo