航程: air-range; sail; flying rang ...起: rise; get up; stand up迄: up to; till点: drop标距起迄点: gage mark; gauge mark起迄点标记: load point marker起迄点调查: origin-destination study, od study; origin-destination survey航程起讫点: voyage terminus起迄点旅次矩阵估计: od trimatrix estimation航程: air-range; sail; flying range; voyage; passage; range 由伦敦至澳大利亚的航程 a voyage from london to australia起迄港: terminal port光程起伏: optical path fluctuation行程起点: start of a run; triorigin旅次起迄表: o-d table origin destination table; o-d table, origin destination table起迄矩阵: o-d matrix起迄页码: inclusive pagination起迄运量: origin destination volume回程起飞时间: turnaround time可编程起搏器: programmable pacemaker准备回程起飞: turnaround for a departure; turnaround for departure包括起迄天数: both days inclusive车辆起迄预测: o-d estimation起迄分布矩阵: o-d matrix起迄矩阵推估: o-d matrix estimation推估起迄矩阵: estimation of o-d matrix