航海: voyage; navigation用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...无线电台: radio station航海用无线电信标: marine radio beacon船用无线电台: marine radio station; ship radio军用无线电台: military radio station联络用无线电台: liaison radio商用无线电广播电台: commercial radio broadcasting station实用无线电: practical wireless用无线电: by air; over the air用无线电话: over the rt无线电;用无线电发送: wireless(用无线电,电视)播送: on the air船用无线电话: marine radiophone; maritime radio telephone用无线电报的: radiotelegraphic用无线电传送: radiobroadcasting用无线电发送: wireless用无线电广播: radiobroadcast; radiocast用无线电话发: radiophone; radiotelephone用无线电联系: get on the air用无线电通知: wireless用无线电制导: guide by radiotbs无线电台: radio & communications无线电电台: radio set无线电台: radio station◇无线电台干扰 radio-station interference; station interference; radio jamming