- what heading
- whatheading
- 航向: -方位指示器 course-and-bearing in ...
- 多少: how many; how much
- 多少: 多少1.(指数量的大小) number; amount 数量不论多少都将受到欢迎。 any amount, great or small, will be appreciated.2.(或多或少) somewhat; more or less; to some extent 多少有点失望 feel somewhat disappointed; 他的情况多少有些改善。 his condition has more or less improved. 他讲的多少有点道理。 there's something in what he says.
- 向多变: variable direction
- 航向: azimuth; heading; course (of a ship or plane); desired track 改变航向 change course; 右航向 starboard tack; 左航向 port tack; 航向标 course marks; heading marker; 航向方位 course bearing; 航向 -方位指示器 course-and-bearing indicator; 航向浮标 mark buoy; 航向记录器 course recorder; 航向记录仪 loxodograph; 航向角 course angle; azimuth angle; 航向校正 correction of a course; 航向控制 yaw control; course control; 航向罗盘方位 compass heading; 航向陀螺仪 directional gyroscope; 航向稳定性 shipping-direction stability; 航向误差 course error;航向信号 course signal; 航向信息 course information