



        自行:    by oneself
        通风:    ventilate; air
        自行通风的:    self ventilated; self-ventilated
        自行通风式电动机:    self-ventilated motor
        自行通风式电机:    self-ventilated machine
        下行通风:    descentional ventilation; downward ventilation
        多路平行通风:    multipleventilation
        行通:    yukimichi
        自行:    1.(自己做) by oneself 自行处理 settle (the matter) by oneself; 自行安排 make arrangements by oneself; 自行设计制造 be designed and made by oneself; 自行制定政策 decide policies on one's own2.(自动) of oneself; of one's own accord; voluntarily 自行到来 come of itself; 反动派决不会自行退出历史舞台。 the reactionaries will never, of their own accord, step down from the stage of history.3.[天文学] proper motion; self-powered4.[地] auto-morphic; 自行火箭炮 self-propelled rocket launcher; 自行火炮 self-propelled artillery [gun]
        通风:    1.(使空气流通) ventilate; air 让室内通通风 ventilate a room2.(透气) be well ventilated 炉子不通风。 the stove doesn't draw well.3.(透露消息) divulge information; tip-off 向某人通风报信 give secret information to sb.; tip sb. off4.[工业] ventilation; draughtiness; perflation; 通风舱 ventilated compartment; 通风除尘 dust removal by ventilation; 通风道 air-duct; ventilating duct; fan drift; vent gutter; ventiduct; ventilation duct; 通风管道 air conduit; ventilating duct; 通风巷道 airway; aircourse; 通风机 ventilator; air machine; low-pressure fan; ventilating fan; ventilating machine; ventilation fanner; 通风井 air well; by-pit; 通风口 spiracle; air-vent; 通风设备 draught apparatus; draught equipment; ventilating device; ventilating equipment; ventilation equipment; ventilation installation; ventilation plant; 通风装置 register; ventilating plant; ventilating unit; ventilation device
        下行通路下行通路:    descending pathway
        并行通道:    parallel channel
        并行通信:    concurrent communication; parallel communications
        并行通讯:    communications, parallel; parallel communications
        串行通信:    serial communications
        串行通讯:    communications, serial; serial communications
        串行通讯口:    serial communication interface
        放行通知:    rleasing notice
        飞行通信帽:    aviaition communication helmet
        飞行通知单:    flight card; flight notification
        航行通告:    admiralty notices to mariners; notice to navigator; noticetonavigator; the origination of notam
        航行通告报:    notam message
        航行通告室:    dnotam office
        航行通知:    notice to airmen; ordering of vessel
        进行通信:    to carry out communications; to communicate



  1. "自行说明"英文
  2. "自行速度"英文
  3. "自行塑成"英文
  4. "自行梯"英文
  5. "自行停火"英文
  6. "自行通风的"英文
  7. "自行通风式电动机"英文
  8. "自行通风式电机"英文
  9. "自行推进导弹"英文
  10. "自行推进式起落架"英文


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