自行: by oneself充气: aerate; aerify; air inflatio ...进行充气: inflate滑行充气不足: under -inflation行充: yukimitsu在装卸时对材料进行充气: aerating of material during loading or unloading自行车自动充气机: auto inflater for bicycle密闭腔室可以进行充气控制: gas tight chamber for atmospheric control充气: aerate; aerify; air inflation; gas charging; gas loading; gas up; gasing; inflation; topping-up; aerification; aeration; air charging航行充电: charge on the voyage旅行充电器: lp-100w; sp11-90w顺行充盈: antegrade filling自行: 1.(自己做) by oneself 自行处理 settle (the matter) by oneself; 自行安排 make arrangements by oneself; 自行设计制造 be designed and made by oneself; 自行制定政策 decide policies on one's own2.(自动) of oneself; of one's own accord; voluntarily 自行到来 come of itself; 反动派决不会自行退出历史舞台。 the reactionaries will never, of their own accord, step down from the stage of history.3.[天文学] proper motion; self-powered4.[地] auto-morphic; 自行火箭炮 self-propelled rocket launcher; 自行火炮 self-propelled artillery [gun] 末端回肠逆行充盈: retrograde filling terminal ileum下行充填假面顶: stowing screen一过性逆行充盈: transient retrograde filling补充气: nursing充气(水泥): aeration充气,吹风: aeration充气;膨胀: inflation充气坝: inflatable dam充气板: gas panel充气泵: inflator pump充气表: air inflation indicator充气布: inflatable fabric