

发音:   用"自我诊断线"造句
  • aldl assembly line data link
  • 自我:    oneself; self
  • 诊断:    diagnose; diagnosis; diacris ...
  • 线:    thread; string; wire
  • 自我诊断:    auto diagnosis; autodiagnosis; autognosis; autognostic; obd on-board diagnostics; self-diagnostics
  • 公司自我诊断:    rar


  1. Aldl assembly line data link


        自我:    oneself; self
        诊断:    diagnose; diagnosis; diacris ...
        线:    thread; string; wire
        自我诊断:    auto diagnosis; autodiagnosis; autognosis; autognostic; obd on-board diagnostics; self-diagnostics
        公司自我诊断:    rar
        自我诊断测试:    testing self-diagnostic; testing squential
        自我诊断功能:    self diagnostic function
        终端机自我诊断:    terminal self-diagnostics
        自我诊断接线总成:    aldl assembly line diagnostic link
        连续故障自我诊断功能:    continuous failure check function
        自我诊疗:    (the illustrated family doctor) xm; (the illustrated family doctor) yc
        诊断线接口:    diagnostic cable interface
        汽车综合诊断线:    vehicle general inspection and diagnosis line
        断线:    breakage; disconnection; break
        自我:    1.(自己) oneself; self 自我暴露 selfbetrayal; self-betrayal; give oneself away; self-exposure; 自我改造 self-remoulding; 自我表现 self-expression; show off oneself; 自我超越 self-surpass; surpassing oneself; 自我安慰 self-consolation; 自我牺牲 self-sacrifice2.[心理学] ego; 自我保护 self-protection; 自我评价 self-assessment; self-evaluation; 自我意识 self-consciousness; autopsyche; ego consciousness; 自我中心 ego-centricity; self-centeredness; 自我主义 egoism
        半断线:    partial disconnection
        不断线:    always on
        断线谷:    fault-line valley
        断线率:    outage
        断线钳:    bolt cli ers; bolt clippers; bolt cutter; universal cutting pliers; wire cli ers; wire clippers
        断线崖:    fault-line scarp
        断线鲈:    sacramento perch
        横断线:    transversal; traverse
        间断线:    pecked line
        截断线:    cat line; line of break


  1. "自我侦察"英文
  2. "自我诊断"英文
  3. "自我诊断测试"英文
  4. "自我诊断功能"英文
  5. "自我诊断接线总成"英文
  6. "自我诊疗"英文
  7. "自我整合"英文
  8. "自我正当性"英文
  9. "自我证明"英文
  10. "自我知觉"英文


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