自己: oneself的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...房子: house; building我自己的房子: my own house建造自己的房子: build one's own house我住在自己的房子里: no. i live in my own house在海滨有自己的房子: own a house at the seaside自己的房间: a room of my own不,我住在自己的房子里。[外汇论坛: no. i live in my own house住自己房子的房主: person who owns the house he lives in某人自己的房间: a room of one's own给自己的房屋保火险: insure one's house against fire领客人到他自己的房间: lead a guest to his room你租房赚还是住自己的房: do you rent an apartment or own it切换到自己的房间里: roomwarp这所房子是我自己的: this house is my own白色的房子: the white 'house出租的房子: lodging对面的房子: the houses opposite高处的房子: aerie教师的房子: my teachers house街的房子: the house on 92nd street巨大的房子: an enormous house空的房子: a deserted house空著的房子: an empty house room chair bus