

发音:   用"自动记录的"造句
  • graphic
  • self recording
  • self-registering
  • selfrecording
  • 自动:    voluntarily; of one's own ac ...
  • 记录:    take notes; record
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 自动记录的安培计:    ga graphic ammeter
  • 自动记录:    autographic records; automatic logging; automatic recording; self registering; selfrecording; self-registering; tracing


  1. A recording barometer
  2. Compared with other method , this diagnosis method was characterized for its portability , stability , non - destruction to plant tissue continuous monitoring and automatic logging
  3. Because of the differences between the client ' s data and the server ' s data of the users " browsing behavior , we must modify the path - analysis algorithm on server to meet the requirement of the recent application environment


        自动:    voluntarily; of one's own ac ...
        记录:    take notes; record
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        自动记录的安培计:    ga graphic ammeter
        自动记录:    autographic records; automatic logging; automatic recording; self registering; selfrecording; self-registering; tracing
        自动记录表:    autographic recorder
        自动记录秤:    recording balance; weightograph
        自动记录带:    chart strip; record chart; recording chart
        自动记录计:    writing pointer
        自动记录卡:    recording card
        自动记录器:    autographic apparatus; autographic recorder; automatic logger; automatic recorder; automatic recording apparatrs; automatic-recording instrument; automatograph; autorecorder; grapher; pen and ink recorder; recorder chart; registering apparatus; self recorder; self recording unit; self register; self-recorder; self-recording device; self-recording unit; self-registering instrument; writing pointer
        自动记录仪:    auto-graphic meter; autographic a aratus; autographic apparatus; autographic instrument; autographic recoder; autographic recorder; autographic recording a aratus; autographic recording apparatus; autographic recording appartas; automatic observer; automatic recorder; automatic recording apparatus; automatic recording gage; automatic recording i trument; automatic recording instrument; automatic registering i trument; automatic registering instrument; automatograph; grapher; self recording instrument; self-recorder; self-recording apparatus; self-recording device; self-recording instrument; self-registering i trument; self-registering instrument; slef-registering instrument
        自动记录针:    writing pointer
        自动记录纸:    autographic register paper; billing machine paper
        自动记录器自动记录装置:    self-recording unit
        故障自动记录:    failure logging
        图表自动记录:    automatic graphic record
        自动记录笔架:    pen carriage
        自动记录滴定:    automatic recording titration
        自动记录电疗:    automatic current recording meter
        自动记录读数:    automatic reading
        自动记录机构:    self recording mechanism; self-recording machenism; self-recording mechanism
        自动记录器笔:    recorder pen
        自动记录设备:    self-recording apparatus
        自动记录式的:    graphic-recording



  1. "自动记录差动压力计"英文
  2. "自动记录差示热分析仪"英文
  3. "自动记录秤"英文
  4. "自动记录磁通计"英文
  5. "自动记录带"英文
  6. "自动记录的安培计"英文
  7. "自动记录滴定"英文
  8. "自动记录滴定器"英文
  9. "自动记录电疗"英文
  10. "自动记录电流计"英文


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