自动: voluntarily; of one's own ac ...偶合: coincidence自动偶合作用: autocoupling振动偶合: vibronic coupling运动偶: kinematic pair偶合: 1.(无意中恰巧相合) coincidence 他们在这一点上见解一致完全是偶合。 it is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.2.[化学] couple; 偶合常数 coupling constant; 偶合剂 coupling agent; 偶合染料 para-dye; 偶合体 zygosome; 偶合应力 couple-stress瞬时转动偶: couple of i tantaneous rotatio; couple of instantaneous rotations电偶合: electric coupling偶合,巧合: coincidence; coincidev偶合波: c-wave偶合簇: coupled cluster偶合的: coupled偶合点: coupling point; coupling range偶合剂: couplaut; coupler; coupling agent偶合器: coupling偶合态: parataxic偶合体: zygosome偶合相: coupling phase偶合性: [哲学] contingency; fortuity; chance偶联,偶合: coupling奇偶合: odd coupling去偶合: decoupling双偶合: bicouple相引;偶合: couplingj-j偶合: j-j coupling