自从: since到: 39你: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...我见到你的脸: i saw your face每次我见到你: i only have eyes for you我希望我能够回去,我见到你的第一天起: i wish i could go back to the very first day i saw you自从我听到你笑声: since i heard you laugh我见到你很高兴: i'm very glad to see you我见到的那女孩是谁: who is that girl i see每次我见到你,你都不睬我: every time i see you, you leave me out in the cold; ou leave me out in the cold自从我感受你的痛苦: since i felt your pain到你的那个时候: when it comes to you我见到你眼里活跃着太多过去的我: i can see so much of me still living in your eyes因为我见到你们在练身房里跳舞: cause i saw you dancing in the gym见到你: if you were here; longing to see you; see you当我见到: when i saw jim’s behavior i thought better of dating him当我梦中见到你的时候: when i was dreaming about you baby第一次见到你的脸庞: the31] the first time ever i saw your face如果无法再见到你的面庞: of no avail to see you again我会再次见到你的脸: will i see your face again自从我爱上你: since i fell for you自从我失去你: since i don't have you自从我小时候: ever since i was a child自从我遇见你: since i met you