臀: buttocks肌: muscle; flesh股骨: thigh-bone; femur; os femori ...囊: bag; pocket; sack; purse臀肌股骨囊,臀肌间囊: gluteofemoral bursae股骨臀肌嵴: gluteal ridge of femur股骨臀肌粗隆: gluteal eminence of femur; gluteal tuberosity of femur; tuberositas glutea femoris臀嵴,股骨臀肌粗隆: glutaeal crest臀肌: glutaeus; gluteal muscle; glutei; gluteus muscles股骨囊内段闭合性骨折: closed fracture of intracapsular section of femur股骨囊内段开放性骨折: open fracture of intracapsular section of femur股骨囊肿切除术或刮除术: excision or curettage of bone cyst of femur骨囊: capsula ossium股骨: thigh-bone; femur (pl. femora); os femoris◇股骨骨折 femoral fracture臀肌的: gluteal臀肌面: gluteal surface臀肌线: gluteal line臀肌炎: glutitis右臀肌: right gluteus左臀肌: left gluteus臀肌嵴, 臀肌粗隆: gluteal ridge骨囊瘤: osteocystoma骨囊肿: bone cyst软骨囊: capsule of cartilage cell; cartilage ca ule; cartilage capsule; cartilage cell capsule; eartilage capsule; territorial matrix舌骨囊: bursae of hyoid