

发音:   用"膨胀行程"造句
  • combustion stroke
  • expansion stroke
  • 膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
  • 行程:    route or distance of travel; ...
  • 压缩膨胀行程:    compression-and-power stroke
  • 膨胀换气行程:    expansion-exchange stroke
  • 行程:    1.(路程) route or distance of travel; distance of run; length of travel; distance travelled; journey; flight 艰难的行程 hard journey; 漫长的行程 long route; 行程五千多公里 travel over 5,000 kilometres; 一小时的行程 an hour's march; 这将是一整天的行程。it will make a full day's march.2.[机械工程] stroke; throw; travel 活塞行程 piston travel; 滑枕行程 ram stroke3.[电学] range


        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
        行程:    route or distance of travel; ...
        压缩膨胀行程:    compression-and-power stroke
        膨胀换气行程:    expansion-exchange stroke
        行程:    1.(路程) route or distance of travel; distance of run; length of travel; distance travelled; journey; flight 艰难的行程 hard journey; 漫长的行程 long route; 行程五千多公里 travel over 5,000 kilometres; 一小时的行程 an hour's march; 这将是一整天的行程。it will make a full day's march.2.[机械工程] stroke; throw; travel 活塞行程 piston travel; 滑枕行程 ram stroke3.[电学] range
        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; inflate; puff; bulge; inflation; expansion; dilatation; buckling; swelling; upswelling; bulking; distension; distention; infarctate; pinguis; physiosis; inturgescence; intumesce; ectasia; ectasis; ectasy; turgidity; bloat 机构膨胀 bloated organizational structure; 人员膨胀 bloated staff; 金属受了热就会膨胀。 metals expand when they are heated.; 膨胀安全阀 expansion relief valve; 膨胀度 dilation; dilatation; 膨胀阀 expansion valve; 膨胀计 dilatometer; 膨胀剂 swelling agent; expanding agent; 膨胀器 expander; 膨胀曲线 expansion curve; 膨胀系数 expansion coefficient; coefficient of expansion
        行程长度,行程:    run length
        半行程:    half trip
        泵行程:    pump stroke; throw of pump
        长行程:    long stroke
        超行程:    over stroke
        单行程:    one-way trip
        短行程:    short runs; short stroke
        多行程:    multiple-pass◇多行程转轴拌和机 multiple-pass rotary mixer; 多行程止回阀 multiple-swing check valve
        阀行程:    valve travel
        反行程:    retrurntrace; reversal of stroke; revesal
        杆行程:    throw of lever
        键行程:    key travel
        角行程:    angular travel
        阶段;行程:    step
        空行程:    empty run; idle motion; idle running idle stroke; spare travel
        旅行,行程:    journey
        慢行程:    idle stroke
        逆行程:    backstroke; reverse drive
        前行程:    front travel


  1. "膨胀心轴 组合心轴"英文
  2. "膨胀心轴法"英文
  3. "膨胀型胶粘剂"英文
  4. "膨胀型阻燃剂"英文
  5. "膨胀形衰退"英文
  6. "膨胀性"英文
  7. "膨胀性;膨胀系数"英文
  8. "膨胀性材料"英文
  9. "膨胀性层状硅酸盐"英文
  10. "膨胀性掺合料"英文


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