

发音:   用"膨胀材料"造句
  • expending agent material


  1. A new technology on filling in and sealing against leak with expandable materials is introduced in this paper , which is applied in drilling in limestone area
  2. The expansive characteristics of new mgo - based expansive materials and the compensating shrinkage of cement paste with high c3s content were investigated
    摘要主要研究了新型镁质膨胀材料对高c3s含量(质量分数为64 . 4 % )水泥浆体收缩的补偿作用。
  3. Aluminium titanate ( at ) has many excellent properties such as low thermal expansion coefficient , thermal conduction coefficient , high melting point , endured corrosion and thermal resistance , so it is one of the best materials with low thermal expansion coefficient resisting high temperature
  4. Aluminium titanate ( al2tio5 , at ) has many excellent properties such as low thermal expansion coefficient , thermal conduction coefficient , high melting point , endured corrosion and thermal resistance , so it is one of the best materials with low thermal expansion coefficient resisting high temperature
    钛酸铝( al _ 2tio _ 5简称at )因其具有接近于零的热膨胀系数、低的导热系数、高熔点、耐腐蚀和抗热冲击性能好等特点,是目前低热膨胀材料中耐高温性能最好的材料之一。
  5. The results show that the shrinkage of cement paste can be compensated by the new mgo - based expansive materials well , only if the burning temperature and burning time of expansive material are controlled and the dosage of expansive material in cement is suitable according to the hydration temperature and with fly ash or not


        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
        材料:    material
        低膨胀材料:    low expansion material; low-expansion material
        各向异性热膨胀材料:    material with anisotropic thermal expansion
        膨胀性材料:    expandable materials; expqndable material; intumescent material; swelling material
        低膨胀系数材料:    low expansion material; low-expansion material
        高膨胀系数材料:    high-expansion material
        可膨胀的金属材料:    expandable metal
        耐火材料锻烧膨胀:    burning expansion
        膨胀性堵漏材料:    expandable plugging additives
        耐火材料膨胀危险期:    critical periods of expansion
        膨胀系数不同的材料:    materials having different coefficients of expansion
        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; inflate; puff; bulge; inflation; expansion; dilatation; buckling; swelling; upswelling; bulking; distension; distention; infarctate; pinguis; physiosis; inturgescence; intumesce; ectasia; ectasis; ectasy; turgidity; bloat 机构膨胀 bloated organizational structure; 人员膨胀 bloated staff; 金属受了热就会膨胀。 metals expand when they are heated.; 膨胀安全阀 expansion relief valve; 膨胀度 dilation; dilatation; 膨胀阀 expansion valve; 膨胀计 dilatometer; 膨胀剂 swelling agent; expanding agent; 膨胀器 expander; 膨胀曲线 expansion curve; 膨胀系数 expansion coefficient; coefficient of expansion
        巴瑞德效应(材料磁化体积膨胀现象):    barret effect
        膨胀珍珠岩制砌块和管形绝热材料:    standard specification for molded expanded perlite block and pipe thermal insulation
        材料:    1.(原料) material 建筑材料 building material; 原材料 raw material; 廉价材料 cheap materials; 防火材料 fire-resisting material; 橡胶是一种弹性材料。 rubber is an elastic material.2.(资料) data; material 参考材料 reference material; 档案材料 archival material; 第一手材料 firsthand information; 调查材料 data; findings; 搜集材料 gather material; collect data; 学习材料 material for study; 书面材料 written material; 他正在为写陶渊明传记搜集材料。 he is now collecting material for a biography of tao yuanming.3.(适于做某种事的人才) makings; stuff 他不是做教师的材料。 he is not the stuff teachers are made of.; he does not have the makings of a teacher
        实膨胀,真膨胀:    real expansion
        半膨胀:    demiinflation
        变膨胀:    variable expansion
        不膨胀:    non expansion; nonexpansion
        侧膨胀:    lateral expansion
        充气;膨胀:    inflation
        打气, 膨胀:    bulging
        电膨胀:    electric expansion
        肺膨胀:    atelectasis


  1. "膨胀补偿节"英文
  2. "膨胀补偿器"英文
  3. "膨胀不能"英文
  4. "膨胀不全"英文
  5. "膨胀部分"英文
  6. "膨胀舱"英文
  7. "膨胀舱口"英文
  8. "膨胀操雷头"英文
  9. "膨胀操作"英文
  10. "膨胀测定的"英文


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