膝: knee以下: below; under窄: narrow狭: narrow的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...裙子: skirt膝以下: below knee肥大的裙子: a full skirt褶皱的裙子: draped skirt有宽褶的裙子: a full skirt不分前后身的裙子: fliskirt长及膝部的裙子: a kneelength skirtt钩针编织的裙子: a crocheted skirt露茜的裙子最漂亮: lucy's dress was the prettiestdress略成喇叭状的裙子: a skirt with a slight flare前后有饰缝的裙子: panel skirt我的裙子得熨了: i have to iron my skirt. *iron这是你的裙子吗?: is this your skirt前身中间折暗裥的裙子: fly front skirt她的裙子给钉子挂住了: her skirt got caught on a nail. kein mind我的裙子是浅蓝色的: my skirt is light blue一条红黑相间的裙子: a red and black skirt用鲸骨圆环扩大的裙子: farthingale狭的: angustate; narrow; slender; smal她穿着黄色的裙子坐在桌子上: on a table in her yellow dress