

发音:   用"膂力过人"造句
  • possessing extraordinary physical [muscular] strength
  • 膂力:    muscular strength; physical ...
  • 过人:    surpass; excel
  • 精力过人:    surpass many others in energy
  • 他眼力过人:    he's a man of excellent judgment
  • 勇力过人:    be braver and stronger than most men; be the boldest of the bold; the strongest of the strong


  1. And with that he took the bloody old towser by the scruff of the neck and , by jesus , he near throttled him . the figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired freely freckled shaggybearded wide - mouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced barekneed brawnyhanded hairylegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero


        膂力:    muscular strength; physical ...
        过人:    surpass; excel
        精力过人:    surpass many others in energy
        他眼力过人:    he's a man of excellent judgment
        勇力过人:    be braver and stronger than most men; be the boldest of the bold; the strongest of the strong
        精力过人的工作者:    a demon for work
        膂力:    (体力) muscular strength; physical strength; brawn
        过人:    1.(超过一般人) surpass; excel 过人的记忆力 a remarkable memory; 过人之处 the things one excels in; one's forte; 技术过人 surpass sb. in skill; 精力过人 surpass many others in energy; 勇气过人 excel in courage; 所罗门智慧过人。 solomon excelled in wisdom.2.[体育] beating (球类运动)
        力气,膂力。:    physical force
        靠膂力挤:    muscle
        靠膂力前进:    muscle
        膂力方刚:    while one's backbone retains its strength
        【足球】过人短传。:    screen pass
        拔人过人:    roll around
        才识过人:    be gifted with talent and insight far beyond the average person
        才智过人:    tower above the rest in height of intellect [wisdom]; one's talent and ability excel the average
        穿过人群:    through the crowd
        聪明过人:    as wise as soloman
        带球过人:    dribbling past an opponent; dribbling past an opponet; to break through, to beat; to break through,to beat; to dribble past a opponent
        胆量过人:    be bolder than all the rest
        胆略过人:    have unusual courage and resourcefulness
        胆识过人:    exceed the rest in bravery and wisdom; surpass others in intelligence and determination
        肝胆过人:    exceed others in (moral) courage; be a man of no ordinary spunk; far surpass others in daring; have more the usual guts; unsurpassed in valour; unusually courageous
        过人之处:    one's forte
        挤过人群:    force one's way through a crowd


  1. "膂"英文
  2. "膂骨"英文
  3. "膂筋"英文
  4. "膂力"英文
  5. "膂力方刚"英文
  6. "滕"英文
  7. "滕巴"英文
  8. "滕巴巴戈耶岛"英文
  9. "滕巴尔克"英文
  10. "滕巴马苏库"英文


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