腱索: chordae tendineae; tendinous ...缩短: shorten; curtail; cut down; ...术: art; skill; technique足跟索缩短术: shortening of heel cordachilles腱缩短术: shortening of achilles tendon尺骨缩短术: shortening of bone of ulna巩膜缩短术: scleral shortening骨干缩短术: diaphyseal shortening股骨缩短术: shortening of femur肌腱缩短术: shortening of tendon手肌缩短术: shortening of muscle of hand胫骨缩短术: shortening of bone of tibia腱缩短术: tendon-shortening睑缘缩短术: shortening of eyelid margin手肌腱缩短术: shortening of tendon of hand眼外肌缩短术: shortening of extraocular muscle圆韧带缩短术: desmopyknosis shortening of round ligament; shortening of round ligament融合法骨缩短术: shortening of bone by fusion威尔逊腱缩短术: wilson shortening of tendon子宫园韧带缩短术: shortening of round ligament of uterus子宫骶韧带缩短术: shortening of utero-sacral ligaments; shorteningofutero-sacralligaments睑上提肌缩短术: levator resection operation腱索: chordae tendineae; tendinous cord手指缩短术用于巨指修复: shortening of finger for macrodactyly repair眼外肌缩短术,眼外肌切除术: resection of extraocular muscle