

  • pterygopalatine fissure of palatine bone
  • sulcus palatinus major ossis palatini
  • :    palate
  • :    bone
  • :    big; large
  • :    channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...
  • 上颌骨腭大沟:    sulcus palatinus major maxillar


        :    palate
        :    bone
        :    big; large
        :    channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...
        上颌骨腭大沟:    sulcus palatinus major maxillar
        腭大沟:    great palatine groove; greater palatine groove; greater palatine sulcus; greaterpalatinegroove; larger palatine; palatine groove of palatine bone; palatomaxillary groove of palatine bone; sulcus palatinus major; sulcuspalatinusmajor
        腭骨腭嵴:    palatine crest of palatine bone
        骨腭:    bony hard palate; bony palate; osseous palate; palatum osseum
        大沟:    dagou; large furrow; major groove; omizo
        腭骨:    os palatum; palatal bone; palate bone; palatine bone; palatinebone
        大沟藩:    ōmizo domain
        大沟渠:    nagyarok
        大沟裕:    glanz
        宽沟,大沟:    wide groove
        腭大管:    canales palatinus major; canalis palatinus major; greater palatine canal; major palatine canal
        腭大孔:    foramina palatina majora; greater palatine foramen
        腭骨瘤:    osteoma palatina
        上颌骨腭沟:    palatine sulci of maxilla; sulci palatini maxillae; sulci palatini maxillar
        上颌骨腭突:    maxillary palatal process; palatine process of maxilla; processus palatinus maxillae
        暗置大沟渠:    covered nullah
        大沟水库:    dagou sk
        露天大沟渠:    open nullah
        翼腭管, 腭大管:    canales pterygopalatinus
        腭大动脉:    arteria palatina major; arteriae palatina major; greater palatine artery; larger palatine artery; major palatine artery
        腭大管,翼腭管:    great palatine canal


  1. "腭骨水平部鼻面"英文
  2. "腭骨下鼻甲嵴"英文
  3. "腭骨翼腭沟"英文
  4. "腭骨锥突"英文
  5. "腭骨锥状粗隆"英文
  6. "腭骨腭嵴"英文
  7. "腭管"英文
  8. "腭横缝"英文
  9. "腭横皱襞"英文
  10. "腭横嵴"英文


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