

  • crista ethmoidalis ossis palatini
  • ethmoid crest of palatine bone
  • superior turbinal crest of palatine bone
  • :    palate
  • :    bone
  • :    sedge
  • :    ridge
  • 上颌骨筛骨嵴:    crista ethmoidalis maxillae; ethmoid crest of maxilla; superior turbinal crest of maxilla


        :    palate
        :    bone
        :    sedge
        :    ridge
        上颌骨筛骨嵴:    crista ethmoidalis maxillae; ethmoid crest of maxilla; superior turbinal crest of maxilla
        筛骨嵴:    crista ethmoidalis; crista ethmoidea; cristae ethmoidalis; ethmoid crest
        腭骨筛嵴:    ethmoidal crest of palatine bone
        鼻骨筛骨沟:    ethmoidal groove of nasal bone; ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone; groove for nasal nerve; nasal groove; sulcus ethmoidalis ossis nasalis
        筛骨筛板:    cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
        筛骨筛孔:    foramina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis
        筛骨筛漏斗:    ethmoidale infundibulum; infundibulum ethmoidale ossis ethmoidalis; infundibulum of nose
        筛骨筛泡:    bulla ethmoidalis ossis ethmoidalis
        筛骨筛状板:    cribriform lamina of ethmoid bone; lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis
        筛骨筛窦:    ethmoid
        筛骨嵴,筛嵴:    ethmoidal crest
        头部筛骨筛窦:    ethmoid
        骨嵴:    crest
        腭骨:    os palatum; palatal bone; palate bone; palatine bone; palatinebone
        筛骨:    cribriform bone; ethmoid antrum; ethmoid bone; ethmoidal bone; ethmoidbone; ossa ethmoidale; sieve bone
        骨筛窦:    bony ethmoidal cells
        耻骨嵴:    crista pubica; crista pubis; pubic crest
        蝶骨嵴:    cristae sphenoidalis; sphenoid crest
        股骨嵴:    crista femoris; cristae femoris; rough line
        胸骨嵴:    carina; crest crista sterni; crest of sternum
        肱骨嵴:    crest crista humeri; crest of humerus; ridge of humerus


  1. "腭骨蝶腭切迹"英文
  2. "腭骨后鼻棘"英文
  3. "腭骨甲嵴"英文
  4. "腭骨眶突"英文
  5. "腭骨瘤"英文
  6. "腭骨筛嵴"英文
  7. "腭骨上鼻甲嵴"英文
  8. "腭骨水平板"英文
  9. "腭骨水平部鼻面"英文
  10. "腭骨下鼻甲嵴"英文


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