腕: wrist舟: boat状: form; shape骨: bone骨折: cataclasis; catagma; fractur ...足舟状骨骨折: fracture of scaphoid of foot腕头状骨骨折: fracture of capitate bone of wrist; fracture of os magnum of wrist腕楔状骨骨折: fracture of cuneiform bone of wrist腕月状骨骨折: fracture of lunate bone of wrist足楔状骨骨折: fracture of cuneiform; fractureofcuneiform幼年型足舟状骨骨软骨病: juvenile osteochondrosis of tarsal navicular足舟状骨骨骺骨软骨炎: epiphyseal osteo-chondritis of navicular bone跗舟状骨骨骺骨软骨病: osteochondrosis of tarsal scaphoid-epiph-ysis腕半月状骨骨折: fracture of semilunar bone of wrist舟状骨: centrale; navicular bone; scaphoid足舟状骨闭合性骨折: closed fracture of navicular bone of foot副舟状骨: accessory scaphoid舟状骨病: navicular disease舟状骨腰: waist of scaphoid bone舟状骨移植术: bone graft of scaphoid足舟状骨粗隆: tuberosity of navicular bone of foot足舟状骨软化: os naviculare pedis malacia腕舟骨闭合性骨折: closed fracture of of navicular bone of wrist; closed fracture of scaphoid bone of wrist腕舟骨开放性骨折: open fracture of navicular bone of wrist; open fracture of scaphoid bone of wrist沟状骨折: fracture gutter; gutter fracture