

发音:   "腑脏"的汉语解释   用"腑脏"造句
  • inward
  • :    internal organs; entrails; v ...
  • 腑证:    [中医] fu-organ syndrome
  • 腑与腑的传变:    transmission among fu organs
  • :    名词1.(国家政权机关) government office; seat of government 政府 government; 首府 capital; 官府 the authorities2.(旧时称大官贵族的住宅; 现称国家元首办公或居住处) official residence; mansion 元首府 the palace of the head of state3.(唐朝至清朝的行政区划, 比县高一级) prefecture (from the tang to the qing dynasty) 开封府 the prefecture of kaifeng4.(旧时官府收藏文书、财物处) treasury; storehouse5.[敬] (尊称对方的家) your home 贵府 your home6.(姓氏) a surname 府悝 fu kui
  • 腑窝:    arm pit


        :    internal organs; entrails; v ...
        腑证:    [中医] fu-organ syndrome
        腑与腑的传变:    transmission among fu organs
        :    名词1.(国家政权机关) government office; seat of government 政府 government; 首府 capital; 官府 the authorities2.(旧时称大官贵族的住宅; 现称国家元首办公或居住处) official residence; mansion 元首府 the palace of the head of state3.(唐朝至清朝的行政区划, 比县高一级) prefecture (from the tang to the qing dynasty) 开封府 the prefecture of kaifeng4.(旧时官府收藏文书、财物处) treasury; storehouse5.[敬] (尊称对方的家) your home 贵府 your home6.(姓氏) a surname 府悝 fu kui
        腑窝:    arm pit
        府本:    fumoto
        腑输精于脏:    fu transporting essence to zang
        府兵制:    fu-ping system; fubing system
        腑神经:    nervus axillaris
        府玻:    fuha; fuwa
        腑腔:    the visceral cavity


        腑脏什么意思:中医对人体内部器官的总称。 胃、胆、大肠、小肠、膀胱、三焦为六腑;心、肝、脾、肺、肾为五脏。 亦泛指人的内脏。    ▶ 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子‧至理》: “破积聚于腑脏, 追二竖于膏肓。”    ▶ 柔石 《为奴隶的母亲》: “这时, 他底妻简直连腑脏都颤抖。”


  1. "腑腔"英文
  2. "腑神经"英文
  3. "腑输精于脏"英文
  4. "腑窝"英文
  5. "腑与腑的传变"英文
  6. "腑证"英文
  7. "府"英文
  8. "府本"英文
  9. "府兵制"英文
  10. "府玻"英文


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