脸上: in the face露出: show; reveal一: one丝: silk微笑: smile仆人的脸上露出一种谄笑: the servant worn a fawning smile一丝微笑: a ghost of a smile脸上露出笑容: a grin on his face她脸上闪过一丝微笑,仿佛阳光掠过鲜花: a smile flashed over her face, like sunshine over a flower她嘴角上掠过一丝微笑: a faint smile flickered across her lips. lash with stick or whip脸拉下来;脸上露出失望的表情: one’s countenance fell(美口)牙膏广告上露出皓齿的微笑: toothpaste smile牙膏广告上露出皓齿的微笑: toothpaste smile一丝的微笑: a faint smile露出一副窘态: show embarrassment脸上带着微笑: wear/have a smile on one's face她脸上含有一丝怒容: her face held a suggestion of anger她脸上没有一丝笑容: there isn't a trace of a smile on her face他的脸上流露出怒容: anger showed in his face她脸上显露出惧怕的神情: fear was manifest on her face他露出一副可怜相he: looks pitiable. pity上帝在你脸上留下微笑: god put a smile upon your face她脸上透出幸福的微笑: a happy smile appeared on her face一丝: a gleam of; isshi; spark露出: show; reveal 东方露出了曙光。 dawn is beginning to show in the east