

发音:   用"脱贫致富"造句
  • get rid of poverty and become better off; cast off poverty to get rich; overcome poverty and achieve prosperity; shake off poverty and become prosperous
  • 由贫致富:    from rags to riches 在短短的大约5年时间内, 那个人就由贫致富。 the man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years
  • 脱贫:    be lifted out of poverty and backwardness; overcome poverty; shake off poverty; get rid of poverty; extricate oneself from poverty; cast off the label of the poorest; throw off poverty 脱贫计划 anti-poverty programme
  • 在短短的大约5年时间内那个人就由贫致富:    the man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years
  • 致富:    become rich; acquire wealth; achieve prosperity; become prosperous 靠歪门邪道致富 amass [pile up] one's wealth dishonestly; 他靠辛勤劳动而致富。 he has obtained his wealth by hard work
  • 扶贫,脱贫:    poverty reduction and elimination


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The key to the solution of rural poverty
  2. Some random thoughts on poverty alleviation in minority areas
  3. Some problems on relieving poverty and getting rich in lushi county
  4. Effective ways of change from poor peasants to rich peasants in insufficient developed regions
  5. Make mountainous area poor county prosperous out of poor by rural electrification construction


        由贫致富:    from rags to riches 在短短的大约5年时间内, 那个人就由贫致富。 the man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years
        脱贫:    be lifted out of poverty and backwardness; overcome poverty; shake off poverty; get rid of poverty; extricate oneself from poverty; cast off the label of the poorest; throw off poverty 脱贫计划 anti-poverty programme
        在短短的大约5年时间内那个人就由贫致富:    the man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years
        致富:    become rich; acquire wealth; achieve prosperity; become prosperous 靠歪门邪道致富 amass [pile up] one's wealth dishonestly; 他靠辛勤劳动而致富。 he has obtained his wealth by hard work
        扶贫,脱贫:    poverty reduction and elimination
        脱贫奖:    porvety eradication award
        脱贫率:    poverty relieve rate
        崔致富:    cui zhifu
        和致富:    become rich
        摆脱贫困:    shake off poverty; lift oneself from poverty
        摆脱贫穷:    shake off poverty to
        脱贫计划:    anti poverty programme
        脱贫至富:    shake off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity
        摆脱贫穷落后:    get rid of poverty and backwardness
        暴发致富:    shake the pagoda tree
        成名致富:    rise to fame and fortune
        但不能致富:    adversity makes strange bedfellows
        发财 发家致富:    getrich
        发财致富:    get [become] rich; amass great fortunes; enrichment; get huge wealth; fatten on
        发家致富:    enrich one's family; enrich oneself; build up the family fortunes; make one's family's fortune; feather one's (own) nest 他走集体富裕的道路, 不搞个人发家致富。 he takes the road of collective prosperity instead of trying to build up family fortunes
        非法致富:    amass a fortune by illegal means; amass a fortune unlawfully
        共同致富:    common prosperity; prosperity for all
        劳动致富:    make fortune by working; prosper through working
        勤劳致富:    become better off through diligent work; achieve prosperity through hard [industrious] work; become rich through hard work; get rich by working hard; prosper through hard labour 勤劳致富的专业户 specialized households which have prospered through hard labour
        脱坡:    (of floodwater) wash away dike (or dam) slopes
        脱坡安山岩:    eoandesite



  1. "脱贫"英文
  2. "脱贫计划"英文
  3. "脱贫奖"英文
  4. "脱贫率"英文
  5. "脱贫至富"英文
  6. "脱坡"英文
  7. "脱坡安山岩"英文
  8. "脱普化工厂股份有限公司"英文
  9. "脱期"英文
  10. "脱期定单"英文


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