I ' m as expert as a paulsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench 我就像拿着管钳做着脑部手术的名医一样得心应手
In reality , he had indeed experienced these procedures ? years before ? and unlike his brain operation , they had successful outcomes 在现实世界中,他的确动过这些手术,但那是几年前的事,而且不像这次的脑部手术,那些手术是成功的。
People who would pause before expressing opinions in quantum mechanics or undertaking brain surgery have no hesitation in pronouncing on the economic consequences of the euro 有些人你要是让他对量子力学或者脑部手术发表见解,他们会三缄其口;但是说起欧元的经济后果,他们却毫不迟疑,说得头头是道。
When i had a terrible accident in amsterdam , i came out of a coma 40 hours later in the intensive care unit of the university hospital there . the surgeons had performed brain surgery . later , they told me i was 20 minutes from being doa dead on arrival 记得在阿姆斯特丹发生意外,不晓得过了多久我才醒过来,我想那脑部手术持续了12小时他们把我送往医院时,我已昏迷,医生说:迟20分钟到达就会不治。
脑: brain部: part; section; division; reg ...手术: surgical operation; operatio ...耳部手术台: aural operation table腹部手术: abdominal opeation; abdominal operation; operation on abdominal region腹部手术巾: laparotomy sponge颈部手术: operation on neck躯干部手术: operation on trunk深部手术剪: scissors for deoperation下咽部手术: operation on hypopharynx做脚部手术: had an operation on my leg腭部手术刀: palate operation hook; palate operation knif手部手术操作: operative procedure on hands头部手术操作: operative procedure on head膝部手术拉钩: retractor for knee作了腹部手术: undergo an operation on the abdomen腹部会阴部手术: abdominoperineal operation腹部手术器械包: abdominal instruments set; abdominal operating instruments set颈部手术器械刀包: cervical operating set口外部手术器械包: extra oral set农村腹部手术床: abdominal operating table for countryside use深部手术持针钳: needle holders for deep region深部手术止血钳: haemostatic forceps for deeoperation小腿下部手术操作: operative procedure on lower leg做了一次腹部手术: under go an operation on the abdomen