脊: spine; backbone; vertebrae r ...面: face形迹: a person's movements and exp ...槽面形迹: trough-surface trace地面形迹: surface trace地面形迹;地表显示: surface trace脊面: crest plane; crest surface; crestal plane; crestal surface; crestalplane形迹: 1.(举动和神色) a person's movements and expression 不露形迹 betray nothing in one's expression and movements2.(礼貌) formality 不拘形迹 without formality; not standing on ceremony中脊面: midrib plane面形: facial contour; surface shape脊形迹: crestal trace蛇形迹: ophimorpha双形迹: dimorphichnus星形迹: asterichnites栅形迹: climactichnites脊面压痕: ridging indentation轴向脊面: axial hinge surface变形迹线: deformation path; deformation plan波浪形迹线: wavy trace不拘形迹: not sticking to formalities; not standing on ceremony; without formality; disregard formalities不露形迹: betray nothing in one's expression and movements成岩象形迹: diaglyph构造形迹: structural feature形迹滑距: trace slip形迹可疑: suspicious appearance and movements; behaviour [manner] that arouses suspicion; giving cause to suspicion; of doubtful aspect; of suspicious appearance; one's behaviour being suspectable; one's movements are suspicious.; suspicious-looking